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Ask Doug a Question

Beloved Members, we are so excited to announce a new guest we'll be speaking with this Thursday- Doug Van Houten! This will be a juicy, deep soul dive!

Trained at Animas Valley Institute, Doug leads nature-based, dream-infused Soul journeys to guide folks in healing ancestral rifts in the conscious and subconscious, mind and body, masculine and feminine. Essentially, he is a bridge to other worlds within and beyond human to help us access what it means to be fully alive.

You can ask Doug a question for the show!

1) Call here and leave a question

2) Comment below or email

Ask anything around crossing into the mysteries of Nature and Psyche. What stories our bodies are telling us. Merging dreams with our mythic selves. Birthing Art from the depths of our Being. Doug is a soul doula, encouraging emergence into realms previously untapped, holding it all with a beguiled, wild delight. To learn more check out and Soulcraft by Bill Plotkin and Thomas Berry's "The Great Work"

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