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John Roedel, Soul-Provoking, Poignant Poet of the Heart

In this episode, we share an open-hearted and heart-opening conversation with the soul-provoking, poignant Poet of the Heart, John Roedel.

John Roedel is a comic who unexpectedly became an Amazon Best Selling Poet/Writer when he began to turn his faith crisis, depression, and struggles into poems that have been read all over the world.

Over the past several years John has published four books, “Hey God. Hey John.”, “Any Given Someday”, Untied”, “Remedy” and his newest release “Upon Departure.”

John’s work has been shared millions of times across social media and his fearless writing has attracted readers from all over the world. He loves sharing the story of how he learned to turn his broken heart into a wind chime.

Meet our new/old friend and find friendship for your heart in someone who knows, who understands, and shares his truth tenderly, transparently, preciously, and potently.

  • Discover how to find yourself in a wonderful kind of lost

  • Learn how grief is the quintessential human experience of all time, The ultimate unifier, and how connecting to a community of brokenhearted saints can save your life

  • Eavesdrop on a conversation with God and find you are not broken...but breaking the darkness like the dawn

  • We see that our tears are shaped like seeds for a reason and when we connect with the seeds of the emotions they become gardens where roses grow...

  • Feel how your life is a once in a millennial cosmic event - no one else will ever do it. You were lit long ago to never be put out...You're already who you need to be...

  • Be encouraged…Don't change…Become

  • If you always wanted to find a message in a bottle - today's your day!

Personal Website

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On my last day

here on Earth

let me be like

I was on my very first

covered in the

miracle of creation

no wonder newborn

babies cry

no wonder 45-year old

men cry

it’s all such an adventure

it’s all such a journey

it’s all such a circle

it’s all such a flowing river

it’s all such an endless passage


We bow in gratitude to you and for you! Thank you from our hearts for giving another episode wings and furthering the heart of this Caravan!

Please share far and wide! Let's invite an abundance of connections to Caravan of the Heart!

More about Caravan of the Heart

A podcast...a blisscast, a variety show for the soul by Troubadours of Divine Bliss, Aim Me Smiley & Renee Ananda, a touring folk music duo, inspirational speakers, retreat leaders, and advocates for this planet and its people.

On this podcast, we have heart-to-heart conversations around freeing our dreams and amplifying love in all things. Enjoy an exhilarating mélange of exchanges where the arts meet awareness to champion and elevate the love of yourself, others, and the Earth.

Join this caravan of seekers sharing what they find that empowers love in every part of the journey. Summon a revolution of Love through devotion, purpose, creation, Earth care, and community.

"Come, come, whoever you are. This is not a caravan of despair." Rumi

Love is Spoken Here

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