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"What we are dwelling on we are dwelling in" with your Troubadours of Divine Bliss

Let's circle up our hearts around the Caravan campfire of the Holy Now where we offer you something to feed your spirit and stoke your soul. Spend a little time with your Troubadours of Divine Bliss as we talk from our hearts to yours in our latest podcast episode found here: (also available on your favorite podcast platforms). Let's dwell in the Divine...will you devote with us today? If this feeds your heart fires, please share and invite others to join this Caravan of the Heart.

In this episode, we circle up around the Caravan campfire for a heart session to ask, "Where y'at? your heart, mind, and spirit...

  • We visit the places we inhabit and look at what we are in the habit of thinking, feeling, saying & doing.

  • We realize that what we are dwelling on – we are dwelling in.

  • We explore the "unwept teach" that comes to call.

  • We tap you on the shoulder to find out where you are

  • Catch yourself before you wreck yourself

  • It used to be a world half-there. Heavens 2nd rate hand me down. Now I'm walking with a reverent air because everything is Holy Now

  • Discover the moment the oldest woman in the world was most happy

  • Today you get the greatest present ever...

If you focus on the truth, you will speak more truth. If you look at noble things, nobility will mark your life. If you seek out lovely things, your life will be lovely to others and lovely for yourself. If you dwell on that which is pure, that which is impure will have no attraction to you. If you think about pure things, you will become pure. If you look for virtue, you will find it. If you search for higher things, you will elevate your own life.

Think On These Things! Inhabit these things…focus on the good, the pure, the true, the holy, the right, the lovely. Find those things that elevate the mind and amplify love and think about them! God inhabits our praises!

Let's Connect! Schedule your personal or couples retreat and let us nurture you and your love! Podcast Website: Music Website: Social Media Link: Social Media Link: Social Media Link:

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