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Victoria Loorz, Wonderful Wild Pastor, Eco-Spiritual Director, Founder

In this episode, it is our hearts delight to be in the presence of Wild Pastor, Author and Guide, Victoria Loorz. Her book, Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us into the Sacred, is an invitation to deepen our commitment to a suffering earth by falling in love with it--and calling it church.

It was in 2015 that Victoria launched the first Church of the Wild, in Ojai CA and began to meet others with the same sense of call to leave building / and expand the Beloved Community beyond our own species. She then co-founded the ecumenical Wild Church Network.

Victoria is co-founder and director of Seminary of the Wild, which is focused on a deep-dive yearlong eco-ministry certificate program for all those who feel called by Earth and Spirit to "restore the great conversation."

  • We put the Howl in Howlelujah!

  • We get invited to a Church where the Mountains are the steeples, the pews are old logs and the choir is a host of birds, crickets and frogs.

  • Learn how it's survival of the kindest who are willing share their wisdom.

  • Listen or the little captivating whispers that emerge from the heart and become our Sacred text.

  • Become an Edge walker and find the 3rd way of moving through this world

  • Deepen into knowing religion means reconnection and worship means finding worthiness in something.

  • We are encouraged to not kick out our shadow but instead to integrate it.

  • Feel how it's not about using or even caretaking but being in a relationship with Earth.

  • Discover kinship in the more than human environment and open to holy union.

  • Find that when Church is free to be Wild you can find the Divine in a park, your neighborhood or a Costco parking lot!

"We long to experience the sacred, and in that longing, forget to look outside our window and engage in conversation with a world that is already sacred, just waiting for our attention." --Victoria Loorz

Prepare your heart to fall in love with her and enjoy our GREAT conversation!

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Beloved Members, you have given wings to another episode of Caravan of the Heart...thank you, thank you, thank you for making this magic happen and amplifying love in all things! Enjoy this GREAT conversation! Please share far and wide and invite others along for the ride!

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